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The Blog

Actionable insights from across the Cranfield network


Six key considerations for a successful business finance strategy
Most business finance is not particularly complicated, it's just a matter of knowing the language, and understanding some key...

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Tags: financial strategy, boardroom finance, finance,

How to make a financial strategy for Brexit

Whatever the eventual details and impacts, businesses need to treat Brexit like a recession.

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Tags: Cranfield School of Management, featured learning, featured leadership,

Are you ready to grill the Finance Director?

‘Wrongful trading’ is what happens when a company takes on credit knowing it won’t be able to pay the money back when it falls...

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Tags: Cranfield School of Management, featured learning, featured leadership,

Corporate Financial Strategy: Raising funds

Corporate financial strategy is a way to complement business strategy, to get the most long-term value out of a company. It is...

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Tags: Cranfield School of Management, featured learning, featured leadership,

Financial Judgements in the Boardroom

Few directors are financial experts, but all directors have to make judgements on the financial figures presented to them in the...

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Tags: Cranfield School of Management, featured learning, featured leadership,

Corporate Financial Strategy: Capital investment

Corporate financial strategy is a way to complement business strategy, to get the most long-term value out of a company. It is...

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Tags: Cranfield School of Management, featured learning, featured leadership,

Six governance principles relevant to any organisation

We often see corporate governance discussed in the context of codes for large listed companies. But there are many different...

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Tags: Cranfield School of Management, exec-feature, executive development,

Four problems you may face as a non-executive director

You’ve been very successful in your executive career. As you come to the end of your current career, or consider your options for...

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Tags: Cranfield School of Management, exec-feature, executive development,

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