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The Blog

Actionable insights from across the Cranfield network


“The programme gave me more confidence in pursuing non-executive placements.”
Stuart Hopper was awarded a Cranfield charity scholarship to attend the Non-Executive Directors' Programme. These scholarships...

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Tags: non-executive director, career

“Learning gave me the confidence to own my leadership style”

Pursuing further learning and professional development can have a positive effect on your career in terms of improved...

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Tags: leadership, reflections, career

Why professional development should be in your 2020 New Year's resolutions

Henry Ford is credited as once saying: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays...

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Tags: leadership, reflections, career

Advance your career: How to go from middle weight to heavy weight in 2020

Moving up in your career can be more difficult the higher up the career ladder you rise. At lower levels, progression is almost a...

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Tags: leadership, career

High Performance Leadership: promoting executive leadership

For almost two decades, Cranfield’s High Performance Leadership programme has revolutionised the way leaders achieve results...

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Tags: leadership, talent, career

How to unlock hidden high performance

Large scale organisations are all around us, having such a profound influence on our lives, and yet, they aren’t what we think...

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Tags: leadership, impact, career

“How learning to delegate allowed me time to focus on the bigger issues’’.

Trust. Now there’s a scary word, right? Trusting other people to do what you know you could do well, but shouldn’t be focusing...

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Tags: leadership, reflections, career

Developing Impactful Career Transitions: Launch Event Review

In February 2019, we invited HR and L&D professionals responsible for investing in the development of their organisations' high...

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Tags: impact, career

First impressions of Cranfield's refreshed General Management portfolio

February 2019 saw the launch event of Cranfield's refreshed General Management portfolio at Chelsea Football Club. 50 HR and L&D...

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Tags: talent, management, career

Lessons for Leaders

“An unexamined life is not worth living” Socrates

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Tags: leadership, skills, career

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