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The Art and Science of Next-Gen Leadership Development
Bridging neuroscience, storytelling, and surprise.

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Tags: leadership, article

Leadership and the global economy
Brace for tidal waves of change.

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Tags: leadership, article

The power of an astute brief
Why mastery in framing problems and setting clear project goals will remain key skills for innovation leaders.

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Tags: leadership, article

Leadership Programme ROI: Useful Fact or Mythical Fiction?
Why we should abandon ROI as the Holy Grail in leadership development impact measurement.

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Tags: executive development, article

The Art of Contemplation: A storytelling perspective
Allow yourself to think differently about leadership for a moment, and imagine that the issue is not what you know but instead how

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Tags: leadership, article

Is successful change a fairy tale?
Uncomfortable as it may be, transformational change will be unavoidable across every industry in coming years.

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Tags: strategy, article

The Decade Ahead Part 5: Insights into the future of work, leadership, and executive education
“We don't offer traditional business school executive education, and we’re not a consultancy that creates dependencies to feed...

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Tags: executive development, article

Article | Leading for Sustainability: What capabilities do managers need to make a meaningful contribution for a more sustainable future?
Dr Rosina Watson, Head of Cranfield School of Management’s Sustainable Business Group, explores how education can help managers...

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Tags: sustainability, article

The Decade Ahead Part 4: Insights into the future of work, leadership, and executive education
There’s always been a concern that technology is going to come along and unseat traditional education, but I don’t see that...

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Tags: executive development, article

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