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The Blog

Actionable insights from across the Cranfield network


10 Tips for Negotiating with Key Customers
How can suppliers design negotiation processes for better creating and capturing value?

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Tags: key account management, article

Jon Birchall found the Talent Development Programme an eye-opening experience that offered time for self-reflection, personal...

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Tags: talent development, article

Apprenticeships: The personal and professional impact | Rachel Leyland
"It will boost your confidence, and you will get to meet and work with amazing people."

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Tags: leadership, apprenticeship, article

"It provided such a different perspective on leadership, delivered in an influential and unique way with highly valuable and...

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Tags: leadership, article

Apprenticeships: The personal and professional impact | Nicky Rance
"I am now able to lead and run my projects more efficiently."

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Tags: leadership, apprenticeship, article

"Looking back, I found the overall experience at Cranfield almost a magical one – it was a wholly positive time, with a group...

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Tags: leadership, article

The Talent Development Programme was thought-provoking, inspiring, and transformational, both personally and professionally,...

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Tags: talent development, article

The Impact of a Cranfield Apprenticeship - Part 3
Asda Case Study - That all-important question, why?

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Tags: leadership, apprenticeship, article

The Impact of a Cranfield Apprenticeship - Part 2
Asda Case Study - Getting on in Asda

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Tags: leadership, apprenticeship, article

The Impact of a Cranfield Apprenticeship - Part 1
Asda Case Study - Colleagues, Customers and Communities

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Tags: leadership, apprenticeship, article

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