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Overcoming imposter syndrome in high level career moves

By Cranfield Executive Development
Senior Leader Imposter
“If you’re feeling a level of imposter syndrome, we will deal with that during the programme and give you the confidence to know that you can absolutely be your best and achieve more.”


If you have ever felt like you don’t have the knowledge and skills to do your job, then you’re not alone. According to statistics, over 70% of people may be affected by imposter syndrome during their working life.¹ For some people, it is a daily struggle, while others will find a lack of confidence is triggered by specific changes in their circumstances.


Tutors on Cranfield’s Breakthrough Leadership Programme want to help professionals overcome imposter syndrome, whatever its cause. The 12-month programme is designed to help senior leaders who are targeting or have already moved into a director-level role to make a successful transition.


Peter Thornton, Programme Director, says: “Often people get promoted and you might think they know what they’re doing because they’re in a senior role, but actually what they’re feeling inside is: ‘I don’t really know how I got here, and I don’t feel prepared to take on this role’. “We help people overcome these feelings, before they spiral out of control.”


The Breakthrough Leadership Programme aims to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, behaviours and confidence to move forwards in their careers. Giving confidence such a high status is a deliberate move, as Peter explains.


“When you feel confident, it makes such a tremendous difference to your motivation, and that’s not just the motivation to get up and go to work, but the motivation to actually make a real difference when you get there.


“We cover huge topics like strategy, finance, global economics, sustainability, innovation and organisational resilience, but much of the work is enabled by people feeling confident and having the clarity that they can actually go and do these things in their organisation.”


To support individuals in their personal growth, Cranfield teaches self-awareness and provides one-to-one coaching for participants as part of the programme. Peter says: “The first time I meet each cohort face to face, I tell them this: ‘You’re all here for the right reason – because you’ve reached a level in your organisation where you’ve either already taken on senior level leadership-type responsibilities, or you are being expected to, or you’re looking to make that career transition.


“‘Some of you might be feeling intimidated by coming to Cranfield. Some of you might be feeling out of your depth, that everyone is cleverer, that everyone is more senior, that everyone is smarter. You might worry that you’re not going to understand. But this programme is not a test; it is here to help you.


“‘I don’t care whether you went to university or not the first time around. You’re here for the right reason – you’re here to learn – and we can work with your experience, whatever that is. If you’re feeling a level of imposter syndrome, we will deal with that during the programme and give you the confidence to know that you can absolutely be your best and achieve more.’”


What Peter and his team are doing is clearly working.


“Breakthrough Leadership is a hugely powerful programme, and I’ve seen first-hand the journey that people go on and the difference it makes for them,” Peter says. “I always say what motivates me to do this type of work is when I see people accomplish more than they thought they could. I’m continually amazed and inspired by what our participants achieve, and it’s heart-warming to be able to give them the platform and the supportive environment in which that can happen.”


Discover more about the Breakthrough Leadership Programme:



¹ The hidden upside of imposter syndrome - BBC Worklife


Tags: leadership, article

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