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"I wanted to study on a programme that was well regarded across multiple industries."

By Cranfield Executive Development
Jill Van Rest - blog banner
Jill Van Rest, Hotel Manager at the Strand Palace Hotel in London, talks about why she chose the General Management Programme. 

Why did you choose the General Management Programme?
Having spent my career in the hospitality industry, I wanted to study on a programme that was well regarded across multiple industries rather than one that just focused on my own. I was interested to see how management and leadership may vary between industries, what we can learn from each other and what challenges we face.


What made you consider Cranfield?

When I looked at profiles of people I admire, there was a common denominator – the vast majority had attended a Cranfield course. Being just an hour away from my base in London also made it practical to attend.


Did the General Management Programme meet your expectations?
It certainly did! I enjoyed the “on campus” set-up as it is such a change in environment this helps to truly focus on learning and “leave behind” the day-to-day challenges of work. The tutors were extremely skilled in ensuring the group connected quickly which made for an even more positive learning experience. Though I was initially more excited about the theoretical modules of the course, I learned that there was even more value in the modules that focussed more on the psychological sides of leadership and development. So, my expectations were positively surpassed!

What were your thoughts on how the programme was delivered?
The program is designed very well, ensuring a quick mix with other group members and exposure to their learnings and interests, which contributes to the overall learning experience. All professors and tutors were clearly experts in their field, and many of them were open to continuing the conversation after the course, allowing us to keep learning even after the official course period. The lay-out of the facilities at Cranfield is great, allowing some outdoor time when the weather is nice, various break-out areas for group exercises or quiet time. The quality of food and drinks was much higher than I had expected.

Were there any stand-out moments for you personally?
The feedback session at the end of the program was very special. You essentially spend two weeks with a group that does not know you and to which your CV or professional achievements have very little meaning. As they are from different industries, it was very interesting to hear how quickly they noted strengths and weaknesses despite only working together in an academic setting rather than in real life, and how it matched with feedback from people who I have worked alongside for years. It gave me the confidence that some of these strengths and skills would be very transferable.

Has the programme impacted your role?

In my experience, although my role itself has not been impacted significantly by the course, my behaviour inside my role has. The programme gave me tools to better understand why people might behave the way they do and a form of acceptance that it is just that – a displayed behaviour, rather than perhaps a show of personal like/ dislike. I also learned a number of techniques to lead the people around me in ways that contribute positively to both their performance and my own.

What advice would you have for anyone considering the programme?
Do not hesitate! Try to manage expectations in your workplace from the beginning – you will not be available to do any significant quantity of work while at Cranfield, and you won’t come back with a box of magic pills to fix all work problems. The tutors are very clear in explaining that it takes time for the learning to sink in, for you to make it your own and start applying it in practice. If I were to join again, I would make this more explicit to my manager in advance of the course.

Is there anything else that you would like to add?
I did actually also form friendships! It is an intense two weeks, and you share a lot of ups and downs with the group. I certainly hope to stay in touch with some of my course members as it was genuinely a great group of people.



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Tags: leadership, article

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