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The Blog

Actionable insights from across the Cranfield network


The art of onboarding non-executive directors
Ian Durant, non-executive chair of Warren Partners and Britvic PLC, shares his experiences and tips for successfully...

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Tags: non-executive director, article

Lifelong learning opens the barriers to growth and development
David Deegan, Executive Development Director at Cranfield School of Management, explains the value of lifelong learning and...

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Tags: leadership, article

The importance of personal wellbeing to good leadership
“Wellbeing is so important, but it’s shocking how few people understand or pay attention to their own, because they are so...

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Tags: leadership, article

Overcoming imposter syndrome in high level career moves
“If you’re feeling a level of imposter syndrome, we will deal with that during the programme and give you the confidence to...

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Tags: leadership, article

Jill Van Rest, Hotel Manager at the Strand Palace Hotel in London, talks about why she chose the General Management Programme. 

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Tags: leadership, article

Challenging the myths that surround apprenticeships for experienced leaders
Dr Steph Russell, Head of Apprenticeships at Cranfield Executive Development, debunks the myths the still exist about senior...

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Tags: leadership, apprenticeship, article

“The programme gave me more confidence in pursuing non-executive placements.”
Stuart Hopper was awarded a Cranfield charity scholarship to attend the Non-Executive Directors' Programme. These scholarships...

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Tags: non-executive director, career

"High Performance Leadership is the most impactful programme I’ve been on; it’s given me tools, techniques and perspective...

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Tags: leadership, article

Executive Development: Why impact tracking is so important
Understand impact drivers and track the changes to benchmark the performance of specific programmes, cohorts, and individuals.

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Tags: executive development, article

Coping With the Need for Certainty in Executive Development
The executive development industry has been particularly bad at explaining the value we bring, often recoiling at the question...

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Tags: executive development, article

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