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Infographic | Seven Strategic Purposes of Social Media for Organisations
Discover how to add sustainable value to your organisation with our Seven Strategic Purposes of Social Media infographic.

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Tags: strategic marketing and sales, infographic

Greater Ethnic Diversity on Boards Remains a Challenge But There is Cause for Guarded Optimism
Cranfield report finds that while there are still significant challenges to be addressed, the impetus for change has been taken...

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Tags: article, changing world of work

The Decade Ahead Part 1: Preparing people and organisations for the decade ahead
At Cranfield Executive Development, we take pride in being part of an organisation's transformational change. 

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Tags: executive development, article

Webinar | Toxic interactions on social media brand channels
How brands can address triggers, consequences and solutions to toxic social media interactions

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Tags: webinar, strategic marketing and sales

Webinar | Future of Everything: Entrepreneurship at the heart of all businesses
Surely entrepreneurship can't be relevant to all businesses, can it? 

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Tags: entrepreneurship, webinar

Webinar | An Executive’s Guide to Social Media: 7 Strategic Purposes of Social
Join digital marketing and social media guru Annmarie Hanlon for a webinar that will update and upgrade the way you view and use...

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Tags: webinar, strategic marketing and sales

Webinar | Negotiating in Business: Addressing biases to create and capture value
Explore how marketing and sales professionals can manage common cognitive biases to better create and capture value. 

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Tags: webinar, strategic marketing and sales

Why are we still talking about gender diversity (or lack of it) in 2022
“We don’t need to strengthen the business case for gender diversity; what we need is real change.”

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Tags: article, changing world of work

It's time to update our thinking about the impact of executive development
Exploring the practical outcomes of unique Cranfield research that offers a cost-effective process for both managing and...

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Tags: executive development, article

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