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Knowledge Hub

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Infographic | 10 Macro Trends for Leaders in a Changing World
The hurtling pace of change that has characterised the past few decades is about to accelerate, fuelled by a set of...

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Tags: economics, infographic

Webinar | Normal Deviance: How our organisations lost the plot in managing projects
Professor Jeff Pinto from Penn State University explores the topic of Normalisation of Deviance and the associated obstacles it...

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Tags: webinar, changing world of work

Infographic | Leadership for Social and Environmental Good
Walking the talk to make ESG happen in your organisation.

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Tags: sustainability, infographic

Infographic | The future of flexible working
Now is the time to leverage the lessons recently learned, experiment with flexible working and reap the rewards.

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Tags: changing world of work, infographic

The Decade Ahead Part 1: Preparing people and organisations for the decade ahead
At Cranfield Executive Development, we take pride in being part of an organisation's transformational change. 

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Tags: executive development, article

Infographic | Supply Chain Resilience
This learning tool maps some of the toughest challenges facing logistics leaders today and some of the latest solutions available.

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Tags: logistics and supply chain, infographic

Infographic | Organisational Resilience: The seven essential practices of resilience
Discover how to build and maintain organisational resilience with our Seven Practices of Resilience infographic.

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Tags: organisational resilience, infographic

eBook | Resetting the global economy
Living through a global pandemic and its resulting effects on our personal, professional and social lives, it can hardly be a...

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Tags: ebook, middle east, CEO Summit 2021

Webinar | Innovation, entrepreneurship and digital disruption
The final session at the 2021 edition of the CEO Summit looked at the future of entrepreneurship and leadership post-COVID by...

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Tags: leadership, entrepreneurship, webinar,

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