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Don't be afraid to show your emotions

Cry if you need to – why we shouldn’t be scared to show emotion in business. Crying and showing emotion in business can work in...

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Tags: leadership, article

Deeds Not Words
By David Deegan On July 11, 2020

Deeds Not Words

For those people who describe themselves as speaking “The Queen’s English” it may be of interest to know that when we “talk...

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Tags: leadership, article

Hidden Transitions and Stakeholder Apathy

Succession planning that used to play out over months and years is now happening in days leaving transitioning¹ leaders...

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Tags: leadership, article, organisational behaviour

Who are you?
By Dr Diana Theodores On June 30, 2020

Who are you?

You are doing a great job as a committed, accountable, talented individual. You perform. You make a positive impact on those...

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Tags: leadership, article

Podcast | Coaching as a Leadership Skill

Leadership on-the-go podcast series

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Tags: leadership, podcast

Playing Politics - but now it's all online

Whenever we facilitate a leadership programme at Cranfield Executive Development, inevitably at coffee break, the conversations...

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Tags: leadership, article, changing world of work

Supporting Economic Recovery: Targeted Interventions or Macro-Economic Stimuli?

The Covid-19 pandemic has prompted the UK Government to provide businesses with unprecedented support through the furlough...

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Tags: leadership, article, economics

Supporting Teams Through Testing Times

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, key workers have been praised for their steadfast and dutiful approach. 

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Tags: leadership, organisational resilience, article

Embrace the Future or Restore the Past?

The Covid-19 pandemic is fundamentally changing how we live and work, and revealing what we truly value as human beings. As the...

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Tags: leadership, article, changing world of work,

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