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Leadership and Vision for a Better Future: Cherishing the Silver Lining from a Human Tragedy

The response to the Covid-19 pandemic has been described in military terms – a war on the virus, fought bravely by front line NHS...

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Tags: leadership, article, economics

Supporting Economic Recovery: Targeted Interventions or Macro-Economic Stimuli?

The Covid-19 pandemic has prompted the UK Government to provide businesses with unprecedented support through the furlough...

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Tags: leadership, article, economics

Embrace the Future or Restore the Past?

The Covid-19 pandemic is fundamentally changing how we live and work, and revealing what we truly value as human beings. As the...

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Tags: leadership, article, changing world of work,

Dealing with Risks: Shortfalls in Responses

The Covid-19 pandemic raises fundamental questions on how best to deal with known but infrequent risks. Some governments have...

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Tags: leadership, strategy, article,

Seizing Opportunities: Unconventional Responses for Unprecedented Situations

When faced with challenging and unprecedented situations we tend to draw on all available knowledge and experience to respond....

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Tags: leadership, organisational resilience, article

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