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On the subway in Guangzhou, China, I saw a sign “让一个座,暖一颗心“ and underneath in English “Please offer your seat to those in need”....

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Tags: article, organisational behaviour

What is good leadership?

When it comes to leadership practice, developing the capability for leadership starts by helping those with leadership...

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Tags: leadership, article

5 ways in which your professional development benefits your team
As an employee, when you consider undertaking learning and development, you’re most likely to be thinking about how that...

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Tags: article, organisational behaviour

To inspire and influence think perform, not inform

If you want to inspire and influence people then take a tip from the pioneering management guru Charles Handy who once said, “to...

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Tags: leadership, article

Executive development: are you getting the most out of your investment?

Strategic group projects are an approach which are frequently used in executive leadership development programmes. Here we will...

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Tags: leadership, article

Why businesses must act now to prevent a worsening global talent crises
In workplaces around the world, great talent is getting harder and harder to find. The latest statistics show that, as technology...

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Tags: article, changing world of work

Price vs value: is it all about the money in executive education?

There is a saying that goes: “you get what you pay for”. I’ve been known to mutter it to myself on occasion, normally when...

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Tags: leadership, strategy, article

Developing leadership power

Trust used to come with a senior job title. It was part of the ordinary package like a salary and pension. 

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Tags: leadership, article, organisational behaviour

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