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5 ways personal transformation can make you a better leader

Being a leader is not a comfortable place to be, and this can result in adverse behaviours that lead to disengaged employees....

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Tags: leadership, article

Video | Mindful leadership: Introduction and practice
Mindful leadership practice is all about managing our own awareness and making decisions in the most productive way by staying...

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Tags: leadership, video

Effective executive development: 15 fundamentals for creating a mind-set shift

A distinctive part of Executive Development is the need to look at mind-set rather than just skills. Einstein is famously quoted...

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Tags: leadership, article

5 keys to inspiring people to follow you

When it comes to inspiring people you lead what really matters is that you are able to instil confidence and empower them.

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Tags: leadership, article

5 keys to executive presence

Presence begins the moment you walk into a room and remains long after you’ve left, but developing presence isn’t a happy...

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Tags: leadership, article

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