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Metamorphosis or Metamorphoses? The lifelong process of transformation
A metamorphosis is a change. When looking at the definitions of “metamorphosis”, the words “abrupt”, “stark” and “profound” are...

(5 min read 1059)

Tags: leadership, article

Looking Inwards: Discovering the keys to a sustainable competitive advantage
Why do some firms consistently outperform others? This has been a topic of research for many decades, ultimately polarising into...

(4 min read 880)

Tags: article

Resilience Reimagined: A practical guide for organisations
Resilience has been pushed firmly toward the top of the agenda for boards and senior management teams of organisations of all...

(1 min read 245)

Tags: organisational resilience, article

Breakthrough leadership transition: Successfully stepping up into the role of a leader
Senior managers often get thrown in at the deep end. Why not? They’re great managers, they have more experience and skills than...

(4 min read 861)

Tags: leadership, article

Why should you enrol on a development programme during times of uncertainty?
David Deegan in conversation with Chris Wallace; a student on the Business and Strategic Leadership (BSL) MSc. When Chris started...

(5 min read 1093)

Tags: leadership, executive development, article

I must have been promoted by mistake: the transition into General Management
Whether they admit it publicly or not, feeling like an imposter is common among people making the transition to their first...

(5 min read 1020)

Tags: leadership, article, organisational behaviour

Unfinished business
The final Hampton Alexander Review Report was launched on the 24th February 2021. Hampton Alexander had set a target of 33% women...

(2 min read 425)

Tags: leadership, article, gender and inclusion

Mental Health at Work: 5 books for business leaders
In a combined celebration of University Mental Health Day and this year's World Book Day, we have put together a list of...

(4 min read 714)

Tags: leadership, article

eBook | Career transitions: The potential blockages and seeking help
Organisations are a conduit of people and careers. Good employers make that journey something smooth, a rolling motion of high...

(5 min read 940)

Tags: leadership, article, ebook

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