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Understand the ethical considerations of using ChatGPT in your organisation
ChatGPT has been generating front-page headlines around the globe and creating consternation in many countries, to such an extent...

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Tags: article, strategic marketing and sales

Greenwashing: How dirty firms are given an unspoken social licence to pollute and to lie about it
As corporate social responsibility issues become increasingly important, the practice of appearing to be environmentally friendly...

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Tags: article, strategic marketing and sales

The Decade Ahead Part 2: Insights into the future of work, leadership, and executive education
“The pandemic proved that you don’t have to be in an office to be effective, and that people can be trusted to work outside of...

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Tags: executive development, article

A Different Leadership Journey: Perspectives from an ethnic minority woman
As we celebrate Race Equality Week, Dr Gilu George reflects on her experiences, her career and the advantages of embedding...

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Tags: article, changing world of work

Greater Ethnic Diversity on Boards Remains a Challenge But There is Cause for Guarded Optimism
Cranfield report finds that while there are still significant challenges to be addressed, the impetus for change has been taken...

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Tags: article, changing world of work

The Decade Ahead Part 1: Preparing people and organisations for the decade ahead
At Cranfield Executive Development, we take pride in being part of an organisation's transformational change. 

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Tags: executive development, article

Why are we still talking about gender diversity (or lack of it) in 2022
“We don’t need to strengthen the business case for gender diversity; what we need is real change.”

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Tags: article, changing world of work

It's time to update our thinking about the impact of executive development
Exploring the practical outcomes of unique Cranfield research that offers a cost-effective process for both managing and...

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Tags: executive development, article

Green Energy Consumption: Market vs marketing failure?
The Government is focused on addressing market failures for green energy, and whilst necessary, it is not sufficient; marketing...

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Tags: article, strategic marketing and sales

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