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Metamorphosis or Metamorphoses? The lifelong process of transformation
A metamorphosis is a change. When looking at the definitions of “metamorphosis”, the words “abrupt”, “stark” and “profound” are...

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Tags: leadership, article

Webinar | Upskilling future leaders to face the challenges of tomorrow
On Tuesday 18th May we convened a dynamic live panel discussion with expert voices from both the corporate and provider sides of...

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Tags: executive development, webinar, changing world of work

Looking Inwards: Discovering the keys to a sustainable competitive advantage
Why do some firms consistently outperform others? This has been a topic of research for many decades, ultimately polarising into...

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Tags: article

Resilience Reimagined: A practical guide for organisations
Resilience has been pushed firmly toward the top of the agenda for boards and senior management teams of organisations of all...

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Tags: organisational resilience, article

Breakthrough leadership transition: Successfully stepping up into the role of a leader
Senior managers often get thrown in at the deep end. Why not? They’re great managers, they have more experience and skills than...

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Tags: leadership, article

Why should you enrol on a development programme during times of uncertainty?
David Deegan in conversation with Chris Wallace; a student on the Business and Strategic Leadership (BSL) MSc. When Chris started...

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Tags: leadership, executive development, article

I must have been promoted by mistake: the transition into General Management
Whether they admit it publicly or not, feeling like an imposter is common among people making the transition to their first...

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Tags: leadership, article, organisational behaviour

Unfinished business
The final Hampton Alexander Review Report was launched on the 24th February 2021. Hampton Alexander had set a target of 33% women...

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Tags: leadership, article, gender and inclusion

eBook | Choose to challenge
#ChooseToChallenge is the theme for this year's International Women's Day. We spoke to several participants of the Business...

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Tags: entrepreneurship, ebook, gender and inclusion

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