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Sustaining our networks - in a locked down world

When we talk about building and sustaining a network, many of us think of warmly shaking new hands, spending work and social time...

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Tags: leadership, entrepreneurship, article

Dealing with Risks: Shortfalls in Responses

The Covid-19 pandemic raises fundamental questions on how best to deal with known but infrequent risks. Some governments have...

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Tags: leadership, strategy, article,

Seizing Opportunities: Unconventional Responses for Unprecedented Situations

When faced with challenging and unprecedented situations we tend to draw on all available knowledge and experience to respond....

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Tags: leadership, organisational resilience, article

…of silver linings and the science of happiness
With significant upheavals, like the one we are currently experiencing, comes the need for reflection and an attempt to look...

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Tags: leadership, article

Refreshing, challenging & inspirational: Working in the Middle East
Refreshing, challenging & inspirationalwere not words that I expected to use to describe the work I have been doing in the M...

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Tags: leadership, article, middle east

5 ways to prepare your supply chain for a post Covid-19 world now

The Covid-19 pandemic has put the nature of global supply chains into sharp relief: how free and open movement of goods and...

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Tags: organisational resilience, article, logistics and supply chain

Stop fixing and start listening
Whether you know it or not, you and your team are smack in the middle of grieving. Covid-19 has put a violent full stop in all...

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Tags: leadership, entrepreneurship, article

From theatre director to the corporate world – business lessons from the stage

Great performances make me want to jump from my seat and applaud. They make me feel more awake, more passionate, more motivated,...

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Tags: leadership, article

Creating a safe space for ZOUD
Many of us will have seen Bill Gates’ Ted-Talk predicting COVID-19 back in 2015. It was frighteningly accurate.

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Tags: leadership, article

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