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Knowledge Hub

Insights | Reflections | Expertise


Returning to a new normal
Over the past few weeks significant focus has, understandably, been focused on getting organised in light of the COVID-19 virus.

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Tags: leadership, article

Leadership in unprecedented times

As we enter these unprecedented times, we are all looking for leadership. The difficulty is figuring out what kind of leadership...

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Tags: leadership, organisational resilience, article,

Podcast | Facing the new reality

Ask the expert podcast series

We are in new territory and face a new reality, how do we best manage emotions such as fear and...

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Tags: leadership, podcast, changing world of work

Webinar | Cyber leadership

Thinking beyond ‘Bits and Bytes’ and into economic value. Much of the historic narrative on cyber has been about the negative...

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Tags: leadership, strategy, digital transformation,

3 top tips to managing COVID-19 from a HR perspective

On Thursday 26 March 2020, we were joined by Becky Boston, BGP Alumna and co-founder of Emphasis HR & Training.

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Tags: leadership, entrepreneurship, article

On losing and regaining sense

I like watching how my kids with a few toys in their hands, and their imagination at play, can create elaborate battles with...

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Tags: leadership, article

What people need right now from their leaders
Wherever in the world you live and work, we are all in a scary place right now. More than ever, people are looking to their line...

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Tags: leadership, article

Learn to navigate key career transitions

I was chatting to a fellow runner recently, while on our regular 5km route, about my work in helping individuals switch jobs....

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Tags: leadership, article

What is good leadership?

When it comes to leadership practice, developing the capability for leadership starts by helping those with leadership...

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Tags: leadership, article

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