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Podcast | THRIVE: Narrative strategies for personal and organisational success

By Professor Kevin Morrell and Chris Coghlan
THRIVE podcast - Chris and Kevin
How the narratives we construct about ourselves and our organisations can influence the success or failure of strategic initiatives. 


In this podcast Professor Kevin Morrell, who holds the Rowlands Chair in Transformational Strategy at Cranfield School of Management, talks to Chris Coghlan, Programme Director for THRIVE: Passion, Purpose, Performance. 

Together they explore some of the fascinating themes which can be traced back to the fairy tales and stories humans have told their children and each other for millennia. 

By understanding the power that these narrative structures still hold over us in our adult lives and workplaces, leaders can implement strategies which inspire their people, elevate their influence, and amplify their message. 




To find out more about the THRIVE: Passion, Purpose, Performance programme download the brochure here: 







Tags: strategy, podcast

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